

Thrust Areas

  • NRM & Watershed development
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Women Empowerment
  • Water & Sanitation
  • Quality Education
  • Skill development
  • Capacity and Institution building
  • Livelihood and food security
  • Awareness, sensitization and mobilization of stakeholder
  • Child Education and Child Protection
  • Third party Verification and Evaluation of Government Schemes


Experience in the field of Watershed and NRM

  • Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP - 3) – PIA

The projects aims at implementing activities pertaining to Natural resource Management (NRM), soil and water conservation, activities on 724 Ha land, awareness and capacity building of stakeholders on judicious use of natural resources, livelihood enhancement, agri development and women empowerment etc. Under this project the treatment area is 724 Ha of land and activities like farm bunding, graded bunding, plantation etc so as to ensure increase in soil fertility and increased level of water. The organization also formed CBOs like VWC, WUA, SHGs and JLGs and built their capacities through trainings and study tours /exposure visits. Similarly agri interventions are proposed to increase the crop productivity and area under irrigation. Women SHGs are formed and provided with financial and technical support for ensuring their financial self reliance.

  • Project Training Organization (PTO – IWMP -3,10,28)

This program is being supported by VASUNDHARA through YASHADA – Pune and is one of the components of IWMP. Under this program the stakeholders are oriented about the various types of works to be undertaken and the cost of the works to be undertaken. Capacities of the stakeholders like CBOs, Watershed community and beneficiaries are built through trainings and exposure visits for ensuring the community participation in judicious use and conservation of water resources through this project. Through this project the organization has imparted trainings to Village Watershed Committees, User Groups and other stakeholders. Through these trainings the stakeholders are oriented and sensitized about the judicious use of water resources. The stakeholders are also imparted trainings on various watershed structures such as CCT, Gabion plugs, WAT, Gully plugs, Earthen bunds, farm ponds, farm bunding etc.

  • MREGS Social Audit

The project envisaged to carry out verification of the actual works carried out by the GPs under the MREGS, the wage opportunities, quality of work and documents pertaining to the said work. The organization carried out field inspection, and checked the work related records, like Gram Sabha, resolution, meeting books, Measurement registers, vouchers book, procurement book, demand book, etc and put for the same before the community members and heard their complaints and aspirations and recorded the same for submission in narration and electronic print of the proceedings to the CEO, ZP and district collector Wardha.

Experience in the field of capacity building

  • PTO for IWMP 3,10,28

Through this project the organization has imparted trainings to Village Watershed Committees, User Groups and other stakeholders. Through these trainings the stakeholders are oriented and sensitized about the judicious use of water resources. The stakeholders are also imparted trainings on various watershed structures such as CCT, Gabion plugs, WAT, Gully plugs, Earthen bunds, farm ponds, farm bunding etc. This program is being supported by VASUNDHARA through YASHADA – Pune and is one of the components of IWMP. Under this program the stakeholders are oriented about the various types of works to be undertaken and the cost of the works to be undertaken. Capacities of the stakeholders like CBOs, Watershed community and beneficiaries are built through trainings and exposure visits for ensuring the community participation in judicious use and conservation of water resources through this project.

  • Training on organic farming

The primary aim of this project was to disseminate information and knowledge to farming community on means and measures to reduce the cost of cultivation through abstaining from use of costly chemical fertilizers and pesticides which also decreases the soil fertility and to resort to organic and bio pesticides and fertilizers which they can produce at their household level and is cost effective and has proven to increase the crop productivity. Through this program the farmers were oriented how they could reap high benefits through practicing organic farming. The organization imparted trainings and awareness programs on organic farming in Arvi and Ashti blocks of Wardha district through trainings and demonstration plots. The farming communities were oriented about various aspects of organic farming like vermin compost, jeevamruth, nimboli arka, dashparna arka, Non Pesticide management (NPM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), LEISA techniques etc. The farmers were also shown demonstrations through demonstration plots so that they can easily understand. Due to this program total 160 farmers from Arvi and Ashti blocks has shifted to organic farming and other are on the way to adopt organic farming.

  • Capacity building of women SHGs

In this training program the participants were oriented about the various types of enterprises which could be started with minimum investment. The topics covered in this training program were sources for pooling funds, types of business/enterprises, existing government schemes, role of banks and financial institutions, DIC, MCED, MITCON, MIDC, Khadi Gramuudyog Mandal etc and types of small industries like cottage industry, small scale industries based on agri produce like agri processing units, dairy (milk) processing units, (value addition) fruit processing, etc and its marketing and available market potential. This training program was organized for Women SHG members so that they can apart from regular savings take part in income generation activities by starting their small enterprises. This program was intended to encourage and promote women SHG members for starting their own small businesses either individually or through group and become financially self reliant. Through this program the women participants were oriented about various existing government schemes, role of banks and other financial institutions and scope for small and medium enterprises.

  • Training on nursery development

Under this program the organization with the support of tribal dept, imparted trainings to tribal farmers and youths on nursery cultivation and development. The participants were trained on the aspects of seed sowing, soil enrichment through appropriate fertilizers, bio pesticides and common infections/ plant diseases and pest attacks, green house and temperature, etc. The organization had arranged a 30 days training program for tribal farmers on nursery. This program was funded by Project officer, Integrated Tribal Development Project.

Experience in the field of agriculture development

  • Convergence of agricultural interventions in Maharashtra (CAIM)

The organization AGVSS is implementing CAIM project in 30 villages of Hinganghat bock of Wardha district. This project is being funded by Government of Maharashtra with the support of Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) and International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). Under this project Village Development Committees have been formed and activities like drainage line treatment, farm bunding, propagation of Broad Band Furrow and Better Cotton Initiatives amongst the farming community members. The main objective of this project is to minimize the agrarian crises in suicide prone regions of Maharashtra and make agriculture a profitable venture through concerted actions in convergence with various line departments.

  • Capacity building of farmers on organic farming

The organization imparted trainings and awareness programs on organic farming in Arvi and Ashti blocks of Wardha district through trainings and demonstration plots. The farming communities were oriented about various aspects of organic farming like vermin compost, jeevamruth, nimboli arka, dashparna arka, Non Pesticide management (NPM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), LEISA techniques etc. The farmers were also shown demonstrations through demonstration plots so that they can easily understand. Due to this program total 160 farmers from Arvi and Ashti blocks has shifted to organic farming and other are on the way to adopt organic farming. The primary aim of this project was to disseminate information and knowledge to farming community on means and measures to reduce the cost of cultivation through abstaining from use of costly chemical fertilizers and pesticides which also decreases the soil fertility and to resort to organic and bio pesticides and fertilizers which they can produce at their household level and is cost effective and has proven to increase the crop productivity. Through this program the farmers were oriented how they could reap high benefits through practicing organic farming.


BBKGSS is a partner organization of Kisan Mitra Central India Network, consisting of NGOs from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, which primarily works for the up-liftment of farmers and minimizing the agrarian distress through concerted efforts. The networks carries out joint programs for dissemination of innovative farming techniques, capacity building of farmers through trainings and workshops, demonstration camps, and agri allied businesses along with advocacy on pro farmers policy. The project is funded by Action Aid India under its reserve funds. The organization BBKGSS being a part of the network has implemented several programs like trainings of farmer communities on organic farming, agri. allied occupations, innovative farming techniques, demonstration plots etc. It has also organized regional and State level public hearings, workshops, exposure visits, as part of its advocacy campaign for affecting policy decisions pertaining to farmers. The main charter of demands advocated by the network is implementation of the recommendations of MS Swaminathan Committee and Narendra Jadhao committee, inclusion of farming activities from sowing to reaping in MGNREGA and minimum support price for all agri. produce.

  • Capacity building of tribal youths on innovative farming techniques

The organization imparted trainings to tribal youths on technical aspects such as wiring, electrical motor re-winding, electric phase, electric water pumping machines/motors, drip irrigation, sprinklers, pipe fitting etc. This program was funded by Tribal department in which skill trainings on farming sector were imparted to tribal youths with an aim that they could earn a decent living for themselves in their own village rather than migrating to distant cities in search of wage labour and at the same time boosting the farming sector from their region with providing technical and skill help in aspects like drip irrigation, sprinkler, pipe fitting, electric water motor, etc

  • Formation of farmer groups

Under this project the organization has formed like minded groups of small and marginal farmers cultivating similar crops in their farms. These farmers groups were imparted with capacity building trainings on innovative farming practices, organic farming, and variety of seeds, collective purchasing and selling of their agri. produce and were motivated for formation of farmers Producer Company. The project aims at forming groups of farmers so that they can form a Farmer company. These farmers group having common interest in them, deliberate on matters pertaining to their farms and take collective decisions pertaining to adoption of farming technology, seeds, purchase of pesticides and fertilizers and selling of their agri. produce which reduces the cost of input and better bargaining power.

  • Organic certification

The organization role under this program is that of a facilitator/mediator. For promoting organic farming the organization recommends the application of the farmer who had cultivated crops practicing organic farming methods to the Regional Center for Organic Farming, Nagpur wherein after following due process of verification and analysis certification to the effect that the said crops is organically cultivated is issued. Through this certification the farmer can sell his agri produce at a higher price in market. Agri produce cultivated through practicing organic methods are being certified under this program by Agri. dept State Govt. through its regional office at Nagpur.

  • Promotion of kitchen garden

This project was supported by AFARM, Pune. Under this project the organization distributed seeds of green vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach, coriander, cabbage, brinjal, lady fingers etc for cultivation in the household backyards. Through this project the beneficiary households cultivated vegetables which they consumed and the surplus was sold in local markets thus earning an additional income for the households. : Under this project the villagers were motivated for establishing kitchen gardens in their backyard with the aim of increasing their household income and at the same time ensuring that the households gets nutritious green vegetables round the year.

  • Nursery Training program

Under this program the organization with the support of tribal dept, imparted trainings to tribal farmers and youths on nursery cultivation and development. The participants were trained on the aspects of seed sowing, soil enrichment through appropriate fertilizers, bio pesticides and common infections/ plant diseases and pest attacks, green house and temperature, etc. The organization had arranged a 30 days training program for tribal farmers on nursery. This program was funded by Project officer, Integrated Tribal Development Project.

Experience in the field of Women Empowerment and institution building

  • Women Entrepreneurship Development Training Program

This training program was organized for Women SHG members so that they can apart from regular savings take part in income generation activities by starting their small enterprises. This program was intended to encourage and promote women SHG members for starting their own small businesses either individually or through group and become financially self reliant. Through this program the women participants were oriented about various existing government schemes, role of banks and other financial institutions and scope for small and medium enterprises.

In this training program the participants were oriented about the various types of enterprises which could be started with minimum investment. The topics covered in this training program were sources for pooling funds, types of business/enterprises, existing government schemes, role of banks and financial institutions, DIC, MCED, MITCON, MIDC, Khadi Gramuudyog Mandal etc and types of small industries like cottage industry, small scale industries based on agri produce like agri processing units, dairy (milk) processing units, (value addition) fruit processing, etc and its marketing and available market potential.

  • Formation and strengthening of SHGs

This project is supported by NABARD, through which Self Help Groups are being formed and provided with basic trainings so that they could regularly save and obtain credit facilities from banks and financial institutions and start their small enterprises thus making them financially self reliant. The purpose of formation of SHGs was to inculcate a habit of savings amongst the beneficiaries and imbibe in them entrepreneurship qualities so that they can rely less on agriculture or allied wage labour alone for their subsistence and indulge in other vocations for income generation activities through group initiatives. The organization has under this project formed SHGs of men and women from Ashti, Arvi, Karanja block of Wardha districts and imparted them with trainings on Pancha Sutra, like regular meetings, book keepings, bank transactions, internal lending’s, credit linkages, entrepreneurship, team building, leadership and marketing etc. The organization has also provided support in starting small enterprises and bank credit linkages to these SHGs.

  • Farmer group

The project aims at forming groups of farmers so that they can form a Farmer company. These farmers group having common interest in them, deliberate on matters pertaining to their farms and take collective decisions pertaining to adoption of farming technology, seeds, purchase of pesticides and fertilizers and selling of their agri. produce which reduces the cost of input and better bargaining power. Under this project the organization has formed like minded groups of small and marginal farmers cultivating similar crops in their farms. These farmers groups were imparted with capacity building trainings on innovative farming practices, organic farming, variety of seeds, collective purchasing and selling of their agri. produce and were motivated for formation of farmers producer company.

  • Mission Socio- Economic Development

As the name implies under this project, the women from Wardha districts were imparted with skill trainings and provided a handholding support for starting small enterprises based on the skills acquired for ensuring financial self reliance through income generation activities. The organization under this program imparted women beneficiaries from the project area with skill trainings on beauty parlour, sewing, embroidery, milk products, sweets/confectionary, pickles etc. Through these trainings the women participants acquired the necessary skills for starting their own small venture and indulged in income generation activities and thus become financially self reliant.

Experience in the field of Livelihood enhancement

  • Livelihood Resource Agency (LRA – 8,9,10)

The project aims at building capacities of the rural beneficiaries by imparting them with trainings on entrepreneurship, marketing and livelihood enhancement through skill building. The organization has till date provided training to 5432 farmers and rural youths from its project area. The organizations has provided skill and livelihood enhancement trainings to 5432 farmers and rural youths from 20 villages and have also provided them with valuable inputs on existing government schemes, credit access, market and entrepreneurship and leadership development. The organization has also carried out exposure visit for the participants and is providing hand holding support for ensuring that the beneficiaries’ participants start and run their small enterprise/ livelihood source smoothly and efficiently.

  • Skill development of tribal youths

The organization imparted trainings to tribal youths on technical aspects such as wiring, electrical motor re-winding, electric phase, electric water pumping machines/motors, drip irrigation, sprinklers, pipe fitting etc. This program was funded by Tribal department in which skill trainings on farming sector were imparted to tribal youths with an aim that they could earn a decent living for themselves in their own village rather than migrating to distant cities in search of wage labour and at the same time boosting the farming sector from their region with providing technical and skill help in aspects like drip irrigation, sprinkler, pipe fitting, electric water motor, etc

  • District Resource organization (DRO)

The organization has been selected as District Resource Organization by VASUNDHARA, keeping into mind its expertise in watershed and NRM activities. The Resource organization provides support to other NGOs and CBOs from Wardha District for all activities pertaining to watershed development programs. Under this program the organization has till date provided support and guidance to several NGOs from Wardha district on watershed program (IWMP) on aspects like Entry Point Activities, LRA, Livelihood Action Plan etc.

Experience in the field of water and sanitation

  • Swachha Bharat Mission (ODF Verification program)

The project aims at verifying the cleanliness and sanitation status of respective villages and the functionality of the concerned GP and measures undertaken by it for ensuring total sanitation in the villages. This initiative is in line with the ambitious program of Swacha Bharat Mission by making villages totally open defecation free villages. The organization has been selected as KRC support agency for verifying and ascertaining the status of sanitation and ODF status of 142 villages from Kolhapur and Gadchiroli districts of Maharashtra State. Under this program the organization has verified aspects like status of drainages, solid liquid waste management in villages, level of awareness of villagers regarding sanitation, status of IHHLs and community latrines, village cleanliness etc. and submitted its detailed report along with its recommendations to client agency

  • KRC – ODEP (Key Resource Center – Open Defecation Eradication Plan)

The organization in the capacity of KRC has carried out verification of villages/GPs about the sanitation and cleanliness status and chalked out estimate plan for development of sanitation and cleanliness facilities in the respective villages. These Sanitation and cleanliness facilities to be implemented in village includes drainages, solid liquid waste management, disposal of garbage systems, internal roads/ approach roads, street lights, school sanitation, facilities for drinking water etc. The village development plan especially relating to sanitation and cleanliness was prepared village wise after ascertaining the actual needs of the village and consequently submitted to the client agency for further action.

Experience in the field of Livestock development and agri allied business

  • Animal health awareness and veterinary camp

For awareness on animal health and home care of animals by the farming community awareness camps and veterinary camps are held at Chandrapur, Wardha , Nagpur districts evry year since 2012. The organization with the support of Animal Husbandry and District Veterinary Hospital holds such camps every year. The organization takes care of the publicity and the essential logistics and arrangements while the medicines and check up is done by the Veterinary hospital staff. Through this camp animal health check up is carried on and appropriate medication is done on the ailing livestock. Counseling of farming community/ livestock is also done on treatment of common ailments such as Tondkhuri, Paykhuri, vaccination etc.